ATWS #50: The Kilmaine Saints

Kilmaine Saints LogoThe Kilmaine Saints have been bringing Superior Celtic Rock to Central Pennsylvania and beyond since 2009. A year later they released their first full-length CD, The Good, The Plaid, and The Ugly and have since performed on some big stages with some of the biggest bands in the Celtic music world. They’ve played hundreds of shows in pubs and venues in the northeast and midwest including several large Irish festivals like Pipes in the Valley, Celtic Fling, ShamrockFest, Annapolis Irish Festival and the Wildwood Irish Weekend. Lead vocalist Brendan Power and fiddler Liz Mallin joined me for a chat at the Candy Factory in downtown Lancaster during March Madness 2012.
Geron Hoy - LunaticIn other news from around the wood stove, Philadelphia songwriter Geron Hoy released a full length album last week called Lunatic, which is now available online right here!
The Wood Stove House is cookin’ up a new theatre project for the weekend of May 5 & 6 (Art Walk Weekend in Lancaster, PA). Details will be announced next week!
Around the Wood Stove is a production of the Wood Stove House and is hosted by Jason Mundok.
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