ATWS #56: Hope For Agoldensummer and CODPIECE

Life Inside the BodyHope For Agoldensummer is an Athens, GA based trio that has been built up over the last ten years around the beautiful harmonies of sisters Claire and Page Campbell. They have a brand new album called Life Inside the Body that will be available for everyone on May 1st. Hope visited Lancaster last week to perform at a Wood Stove House concert while on a tour of the Northeast to support the new album. The band is made up of sisters Claire and Page Campbell along with multi-instrumentalist Patrick Morales from the Athens band Viking Progress. We sat down before the show to chat about the new album and what has inspired the sisters over the years.
Our good friend Chet Williamson from Creative Works of Lancaster returns this week with another installment of CODPIECE, Chet’s look at classic and sleeper films that you really need to check out…or re-check out, as it were. In this episode Chet sheds some light on screwball  comedies. The classic film is Bringing Up Baby (1938) starring Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant  and the sleeper is the 1988 baseball comedy Bull Durham starring Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon.
Hope For Agoldensummer Live
Hope For Agoldensummer Live at Wood Stove House

Thank you for supporting Play Grounds, the next Wood Stove House public theater production. Our Kickstarter campaign was fully funded! Play Grounds is a set of three short plays that will be performed at three outdoor sites in Lancaster City during Lancaster ArtWalk weekend on May 5 & 6. The performances are free and open to the public. Visit the website for locations.
Show times below:
  • Saturday 5/5 @ 3:45 pm
  • Sunday 5/6 @ 1:15 pm
  • Sunday 5/6 @ 3:45 pm

Look for interviews with bands from around the country from the 2012 LAUNCH Music Conference coming soon on Around the Wood Stove and Tri State Indie.
Around the Wood Stove is a production of the Wood Stove House and is hosted by Jason Mundok.
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