ATWS #5: Mennonite Artist Project

Mennonite Artist ProjectThe Mennonite Artist Project is a network of creative people with Mennonite ties. Members work in all artistic disciplines. Online it’s a social media type website. In person it’s gatherings and meetups between real human beings, talking and sharing ideas about what it means to be an artist, particularly an artist with some kind of connection to the Mennonite faith. As of today there are over 500 MAP members registerd on the web, who are either practicing Mennonites, ex-Mennonites, artists who were raised Mennonite or those who became Mennonite later in life.
Kim Stauffer and Renee Miller, two of the five MAP board members, visited Lancaster in May 2010 to celebrate the release of a new MAP compilation CD called Hill Valley.
  1. Brookfording – Daryl Shawn
  2. Red Rock Canyon (We Go On) – JD Martin & Jan Garrett
  3. Find it Hard to Believe – Mike Erb Trio
  4. Wish – Heather Kropf
  5. Long Way to Go – The Steel Wheels
  6. Brooklyn Bridge – Jessica Smucker & The Sleeping World
  7. Traveling On – Bess Klassen-Landis
  8. Midnight Prairie – Gina Holsopple

Other Musicians on the Hill Valley CD:

Other Links:

Around the Wood Stove is a production of the Wood Stove House and is hosted by Jason Mundok. The purpose is to encourage the arts in and around Lancaster, PA.