ATWS #51: Hart Heiden and CODPIECE

Hart HeidenHart Heiden is an actor and writer who’s originally from Lancaster, but has been living and working in Los Angeles for the past couple years. I caught up with Hart over the holidays while he was in town visiting family to chat about his transition from a Lancaster to the University of Pittsburgh, to following his dreams out to LA. Since this interview Hart has been working the pilot for a new television series called The Dark Son.
We’re introducing a new segment to the program called CODPIECE featuring our good friend Chet Williamson from Creative Works of Lancaster. Chet takes a look at two films, one classic and one sleeper, that you really need to check out…or re-check out, as it were. In this episode Chet features Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo and the 1986 Michael Mann film, Manhunter. Chet will be checking in from time-to-time bringing you a fresh look at various rare and classic films.
Play Grounds: Theater on SiteThe Wood Stove House is proud to announce Play Grounds: Theater on Site, our latest public theater event scheduled for the weekend of May 5th and 6th. Three short plays have been written by area playwrights Nick Lantz, Erich Goldstein and Kevin Ressler and the directors, Vicky Lantz, Nelly Torres, and Lydia Brubaker are busy casting.
The plays were written specifically for three locations in Lancaster City. The audience will gather at the first site, Lemon Street Market, take in the first play and then walk to the next site, Shreiner-Concord Cemetery, just in time for the next play. The final of the three plays will be held in front of Fulton Elementary School. All three plays will be performed a few times over that weekend as part of Lancaster’s ArtWalk:
  • Saturday 5/5 @ 3:45 pm
  • Sunday 5/6 @ 1:15 pm
  • Sunday 5/6 @ 3:45 pm

The performances are free and open to the public, but we need your help to make this happen. Click the Play Grounds banner at the top of this page to visit our Kickstarter page where you can help support the many artists that are involved in creating this event. We couldn’t be more excited to bring this project to the streets of Lancaster. Thank you very much for supporting the performing arts!
Creative WorksAround the Wood Stove is a production of the Wood Stove House and is hosted by Jason Mundok.
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