ATWS Podcast #64: Matt Wheeler

Matt WheelerMatt Wheeler is a Lancaster. PA area singer-songwriter who not only books his own shows, but is now booking shows with the group iheartlancity for other artists at the Community Room, an intimate space in Lancaster perfect for listening room shows. Matt’s also currently working on a new full length album, Strings and Wires, but recently released parts of that album as two digital EPs, The Strings EP and The Wires EP. Both of those collections are available for download from Matt’s Bandcamp page.
Don’t miss Jessica Smucker & the Sleeping World along with Frances Miller with her band Mandalele, Saturday, June 23 at Music in the Orchard, a summer concert series at the Hans Herr House, Lancaster’s oldest historic home. Tickets are only $5, children under 12 are free, and the show starts at 6pm.
Around the Wood Stove is a production of the Wood Stove House and is hosted by Jason Mundok. Support for Around the Wood Stove comes from Lemon Street Market at 241 W. Lemon St, Lancaster, PA.
Lemon Street Market
You can now hear Around the Wood Stove while on the go with Stitcher SmartRadio. Stitcher is a free news and talk mobile app available for your iPad or smart phone with access to 1000s of programs without syncing or downloading. Click here and enter the promo code WOODSTOVE to have a download link for the app sent directly to your email inbox. Plus, you’ll be automatically entered to win $100. Stitcher is the smart way to listen to radio!

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